In Stock CHOCOLATES Tableta de chocolate con leche y anacardos CLAN05 €5.20 By: Chocolates Artesanos Maio Disabled this product current language Tableta de chocolate con leche y anacardos Add to cart
In Stock CHOCOLATES Tableta de chocolate negro 80% con almendras CHNA09 €5.20 By: Chocolates Artesanos Maio Disabled this product current language Tableta de chocolate negro 80% y almendras (150 gr.) Add to cart
In Stock HONEY Miel ecológica bosque 800 gr 1 €12.50 By: Miel ecológica Bosques del Torío Disabled this product current language Es una miel cuyo origen es una combinación de néctares y mielatos varios recolectados en los bosques de la montaña central leonesa dentro de la reserva de la biosfera de Los Argüellos. Add to cart
In Stock CHOCOLATES Trufas de orujo y miel TR014 €5.20 By: Chocolates Artesanos Maio Disabled this product current language Trufas de orujo y miel (150 gr.) Add to cart
In Stock SWEET Tableta chocolate negro 72% con pasas y almendras CHNPA08 €5.20 By: Chocolates Artesanos Maio Disabled this product current language Tableta chocolate negro 72% con pasas y almendras (150 gr.) Add to cart
In Stock CHOCOLATES Tableta chocolate negro 54% con miel y almendras CHNAM07 €5.20 By: Chocolates Artesanos Maio Disabled this product current language Tableta chocolate negro 54% con miel y almendras (150 gr.) Add to cart
In Stock CHOCOLATES Tableta chocolate negro 54% con almendras CHNA06 €5.20 By: Chocolates Artesanos Maio Disabled this product current language Tableta chocolate negro 54% con almendras (150 gr.) Add to cart
In Stock CHOCOLATES Tableta de chocolate blanco con arándanos y almendras CBAA02 €5.20 By: Chocolates Artesanos Maio Disabled this product current language Tableta de chocolate blanco con arándanos y almendras (150 gr.) Add to cart
In Stock CHOCOLATES Tableta de chocolate blanco con almendras CBA01 €5.20 By: Chocolates Artesanos Maio Disabled this product current language Tableta de chocolate blanco con almendras (150 gr.) Add to cart