A great selection of the best produce from the orchards and vegetable gardens of León. Discover the finest fruits, vegetables and pulses sent direct from the growers to your home. All are just a click away at

Copia de Alga wakame...
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Copia de Alga wakame deshidratada

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Alga wakame deshidratada para consumir en cualquier época del año conservando todas sus propiedades organolépticas.
Tomate Seco Premium 200gr
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Tomate Seco Premium 200gr

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Muy utilizados en pizzas, pastas, arroces, ensaladas, guisos, legumbres, salteados, sopas etc. Para usarlos debes hidratarlos previamente en un caldo de verduras, carne, pescado o bien en aceite de olvida virgen extra. A partir de 2 horas verás cómo su carne coge volumen y está lista para usar. Aportan un sabor intenso a tus platos.
Roasted peppers first...
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Our peppers are harvested by hand from our own orchard, roasted over oak wood and peeled by hand one by one in a completely artisan way and as tradition dictates. True to our philosophy, they are packed with a few drops of lemon as a preservative and sterilized, all natural with no chemical ingredients!